BSA 2023 Conference: Thank You!
1st August 2023
The BSA’s 2023 conference on the theme of ‘Relocating Shakespeare’ took place at the University of Liverpool, 25th – 28th July.
The BSA Board of Trustees is immensely grateful to the institutional organisers and hosts of our 2023 conference, Dr Esme Miskimmin (University of Liverpool), Dr Katie Knowles (University of Liverpool), and Professor Emerita Elspeth Graham (Liverpool John Moores University), without whose tireless work the event could not have taken place.
The BSA is very grateful for the institutional support received from the University of Liverpool, and for the invaluable support that the conference also received from Liverpool John Moores University, particularly from Dr Kathryn Walchester and Dr Rebecca Bailey. We would also like to express gratitude to Dr Rachel Willie for organising the Bluecoat event (sponsored by LJMU) and including it in the programme. LJMU generously sponsored the performance by Imaginarium at Shakespeare North Playhouse and the closing plenary by Ben Crystal, as well as providing support for the LJMU conference assistants.
The successful running of the event could not have taken place without the conference assistants, whose indispensable contributions across the four-day event are greatly appreciated. Thank you to Louise Cooper, Talyn Hushon, Rebecca Shaw and James McCay from Liverpool John Moore University and to Kate O’Leary and David Rice from the University of Liverpool’s Continuing Education department.
The BSA is delighted to have held the 2023 conference at the University of Liverpool and spent one conference afternoon at the Shakespeare North Playhouse — many thanks to the events, tech, catering, and estates teams for doing such a brilliant job of looking after us!
If any BSA members are interested in serving as hosts for future BSA conferences, please get in touch via the ‘Contact Us’ form.