Promoting the study, practice
and enjoyment of Shakespeare.

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Celebration in Seclusion

Message from Chair

Dear Members,

Image by Brett Greatley-Hirsch

I hope, first and foremost that you are all well. It feels rather strange celebrating Shakespeare’s birthday over the next three days in the midst of a global pandemic which has created emotions from one end of the scale to the other – uncertainty, sadness, loneliness, rest, time to reflect, enjoy company of housemates or good weather.

As I always find, Shakespeare has something to say to us. In my case it was a speech from As You Like It – where by re-reading it, I was fascinated by new parallels to the rest of the canon – plays already written and those to come. You will all, I am sure, have your own favourites – speeches that we like or have felt comforted/uplifted by – during these times so if you would like to share them with other members by speaking them or sending them to us, that would be wonderful. Please email a link to the video (on YouTube, Vimeo, or similar site) to our Webmaster,

We are due to have a virtual Board Meeting on 8 May so if there is anything you would like, as members, to bring to our attention for discussion, please email me

Take care everyone, and very best wishes for Shakespeare’s birthday!


Shakespeare on Social Isolation from Alison Findlay on Vimeo.

These Curious Days from Matthew Frost on YouTube.

We Are Human from Butterfly Theatre Company on YouTube.

In Lockdown, the Bottles Open Earlier from David Findlay on Vimeo.

Website by Agency For Good

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