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Christian A. Smith

The BSA is saddened to learn that Christian Smith, who was an active member of our association, passed away in his sleep on the morning of Sat., 6 Aug. 2022. He is survived by his partner, Annie Barker, in Berlin and by family members in Los Angeles. He earned his PhD in the Department of English and Comparative Studies at the University of Warwick, where he worked as a Teaching Fellow. He was awarded an Honorary Shakespeare Research Fellowship at Kingston University London. Most recently, Routledge published his monograph, Shakespeare’s Influence on Karl Marx: The Shakespearean Roots of Marxism (2022). He co-edited a Karl Marx bicentennial special issue of the BSA journal, Shakespeare, and contributed the chapter, “Marxist studies,” to The Arden Research Handbook of Contemporary Shakespeare Criticism (2021, 2022). His authoritative, vigorous, and spirited presence will be dearly missed.

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