Honorary Fellowships and Innovation Award Nominations now open
3rd September 2024
The 2024 Awards Committee invites nominations for:
- up to two Honorary Fellowships recognising eminent individuals who have made major contributions to our understanding of Shakespeare through scholarship, education, and/or performance; and
- an annual Innovation Award recognising an individual or organisation involved in Shakespearean studies, performance, and/or the cultural and creative industries that has substantially innovated engagement with and/or appreciation of Shakespeare and his works.
Each nomination should comprise a formal written proposal (250 words) addressing the criteria and the names of the proposer and seconder (both being current BSA members in good standing). The closing date for nominations is 20th October 2024. Nominations before this deadline should be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Brett Greatley-Hirsch, via email to b.d.greatleyhirsch@leeds.ac.uk.