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and enjoyment of Shakespeare.

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New Editors of the Education Network Blog

As of February 2017, following on from the excellent work of Dr. Sarah Olive, this blog will be jointly edited by the BSA’s two Teaching Trustees – Chris Green and Karen Eckersall.

Chris is a year into his term as a co-opted Trustee for the BSA. He is a member of both the Education and Events committees – and he is in the process of organising this year’s Summer School for teachers being run by the BSA in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. Chris is Head of the English and Drama Faculty in a secondary school in Cambridge and is also Principal Examiner for the Shakespeare component of a UK Awarding Body’s A-Level qualification in English Literature.

Karen is also a year into her term as co-opted trustee. Until recently, Karen was the Literature Co-ordinator at her school in inner city Salford. Her school is the English hub for School Centred Initial Teacher Training and here she took the lead in training future teachers in active and innovative approaches to teaching literature with a strong focus on Shakespeare’s work. She runs the BSA twitter account with James Harriman-Smith and sees this as an opportunity to encourage a wider audience for BSA activities. In the near future, she will be working on producing a set of interactive teaching resources on a variety of Shakespeare plays aimed at KS3 and KS4 level.

Chris and Karen will welcome any contributions to the education network blog. You can contact them with articles, ideas or questions at the following email addresses:


Chris Green –

Karen Eckersall –

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