Renowned Designer’s Posters on Show at the Offensive Shakespeare Conference
17th May 2017
The Offensive Shakespeare conference, sponsored by the BSA, will take place at Northumbria University next week, 23rd-24th May. The conference will be accompanied by a mini-exhibition of Shakespearean posters by the renowned graphic designer, Lex Drewinski. If you have a chance, do stop by to see these amazing images. You can see more of Lex Drewinski’s work on facebook.
The organisers thank the author for kindly allowing us to use the poster reproduced here in our conference publicity. The poster won the 2015 competition ‘Shakespeare ∞’, organised by Galeria Plakatu AMS in Warsaw, Poland. We also thank the gallery’s director, Janusz Górski, for the permission to reproduce the image. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
For more details about the conference, please visit the Northumbria University webpage.