‘Shakespeare and Adaptation’ book series online launch (Society for Renaissance Studies), Friday 9th December, 5:00pm
29th November 2022
The Society for Renaissance Studies will hold an online launch event to celebrate the new ‘Shakespeare and Adaptation’ book series, which is edited by Professor Mark Thornton Burnett (who is a former BSA Trustee). Shakespeare and Adaptation provides in-depth discussions of a dynamic field and showcases the ways in which, with each act of adaptation, a new Shakespeare is created. Generously hosted by the Society for Renaissance Studies, in collaboration with The Arden Shakespeare, the launch celebrates the publication of the first four books in the series:
Julia Reinhard Lupton and Ariane Helou, eds, ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Adaptation and the Arts: ‘Cut Him Out in Little Stars’
Gemma Kate Allred, Benjamin Broadribb and Erin Sullivan, eds, Lockdown Shakespeare: New Evolutions in Performance and Adaptation
Thea Buckley, Mark Thornton Burnett, Sangeeta Datta and Rosa García-Periago, eds, Women and Indian Shakespeares
William C. Carroll, Adapting ‘Macbeth’: A Cultural History.
Please register via the Society for Renaissance Studies Crowdcast page: crowdcast.io/c/shax-ad