Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies – CFP: Page, Performance, and Culture
6th March 2024
Sheffield Centre for Early Modern Studies is hosting a one-day colloquium (on the 12th June 2024) intended to bring together postgraduate students working on Shakespeare and early modern drama.
They welcome proposals for 20-minute research papers, 5-minute lightning talks and creative writing pieces.
Papers may consider, but are not limited to:
- Shakespearean adaptation / appropriation / translation (including dramatic, musical and fictional adaptations)
- Shakespeare/early modern drama in (early modern/modern-day) performance
- Early modern theatre practices
- Materiality: costuming, props, playing spaces, print culture
- Dramatic genres/form
- New perspectives on early modern drama / drama and critical theory
- Gender and sexuality
- Race and colonisation
- Disability and embodiment
- Early modern drama and society: politics, economics, religion, environment, colonisation
- Drama and early modern thought: religion, science, historiography
Please see https://scems.sites.sheffield.ac.uk/blog/cfp-page-performance-and-culture for the CFP and submission instructions.