The Sounds of Shakespeare
8th May 2023
BSA Members have been offered a discount on tickets for Cambridge Philharmonic Orchestra’s amazing concert on 20th May, featuring musical interpretations of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet by Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Bernstein, and a special musical showcase by pupils from local schools.

Cambridge Philharmonic’s next concert ‘The Sounds of Shakespeare’ is part of a new education project to spark student-led creativity in response to Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Cross-curriculum workshops with the performing arts collective ‘Three Inch Fools’ will culminate in a showcase featuring young people from local schools to be presented at the start of the concert.
Principal Guest Conductor, Lucy Hollins, will then lead the orchestra through a programme of Shakespearean adaptations:
- Tchaikovsky’s ‘Hamlet’ Overture
- Shostakovich’s ‘Hamlet’ Suite13-movement op. 32 (the incidental music to the play)
Followed by:
- Tchaikovsky’s Fantasy Overture to ‘Romeo & Juliet’
- Leonard Bernstein’s Symphonic Dances from ‘West Side Story’
The programme will be accompanied by excerpts from some of Shakespeare’s most beloved plays, performed by actors Anna Tolputt and Matt Pinches.

Location: West Road Concert Hall, 11 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DP
Date: Saturday 20th May 2023
Schools’ Showcase from 6.45PM,
Main Concert will commence at 7.30PM
Tickets from £15 (student concessions and free carers tickets available) https://cambridgephilharmonic.com/whats-on/sounds-of-shakespeare/
BSA Members concession code CPSBARD